Academic Catalog

Administrative Withdrawal and Dismissal

Administrative Withdrawal

A student may be Administratively Withdrawn as a consequence of violating Aspen University’s Continuous Enrollment policy. Students who are Administratively Withdrawn from the university must go through the re-admission process in order to resume their studies. If the student is readmitted, he/she will be subject to the program requirements, tuition, and fees in effect at the time of readmission.


A student may be dismissed from Aspen University due to violations of University policy at any time, without a prior warning or notice. The University may consider Dismissal in cases of:

  • Failure to comply with the University’s Good Academic Standing policy;
  • Unethical or illegal conduct;
  • Academic dishonesty;
  • Submitting false or misleading information;
  • Violating the Code of Conduct or Academic Integrity Policy

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Pre-licensure Program) will be dismissed from the program if they fail any two attempts of nursing core courses.