Policy and Procedure Manual

209 - Program Teach Out Policy

Title: Program Teach Out Plan
Owner: Provost/Registrar
Last Update/Revised: 06/23/2021
Policy: Aspen University reserves the right to discontinue any of its programs.  The University will make every effort to inform students of the decision to discontinue a program in a timely manner and to work with students to successfully complete their degree.  Once a program is being taught out, the program will continue to be offered for a predetermined amount of time, during which the student should make every effort to complete their degree.

Terminating a Program

The Dean and/or relevant Program Chair whose scope of authority involves an educational program being considered for termination shall inform and involve affected faculty and staff at the earliest possible stage of consideration. Once the decision to pursue closure of an educational program has been made, the Dean/Program Chair shall forward a proposal to the Provost. The Provost will work with the Dean to develop and coordinate presentations on the proposal to the President and the University Board of Trustees.  The Provost will insure that proposal for termination is brought forward for discussion by the President. Once the President and the University Board of Trustees have approved termination of the program, the Provost will coordinate with the Registrar on the implementation of the teach-out plan.

Both current and prospective students should be notified as soon as possible. The Provost is responsible for notifying programmatic accreditors. The Registrar is responsible for on-going monitoring, notifying and reporting on implementation of the teach-out plan.  Students will be notified of the teach out by the Registrar's Office.  Students will be given adequate support needed to complete their degree programs in a reasonable amount of time.

Aspen University is committed to ensuring that that all students who are enrolled in this institution will receive all of the training or education under the terms of their contracts, including receiving all learning materials and student services on a timely basis, any subsequent change in this organization’s accredited status or any other circumstances notwithstanding; and, with the understanding that the intent of this Commitment is to assure that all students enrolled by this institution before and during its period of accreditation will have the opportunity to complete their programs regardless of future circumstances, it is firmly resolved that the letter and spirit of this Commitment will be fulfilled.

More information on Aspen University's current teach out programs can be found in the Academic Catalog.

Purpose: The purpose of this policy to ensure the protection and the importance of making easy as possible for students to complete their academic programs in the event of an institutional or location closure.