Posthumous Degree Policy
Posthumous degrees may be awarded to students who have died prior to completing their degree, so long as they have met the below conditions. Posthumous degrees are meant to provide the family with an acknowledgment of their student’s academic achievements. These requirements are in place to maintain the integrity of the degrees awarded by the University.
To be considered for a posthumous degree, students must have met the following:
- Have been enrolled and in Good Academic Standing at the time of death
- Have completed a significant and substantial amount of coursework as it applies to degree completion. At least 80% of all required credits for the program must be successfully completed.
Requests for posthumous degree conferral should be made to the Office of the Registrar. Final approval for the awarding of posthumous degrees will be approved by the Provost.
Students who have passed away without meeting these degree requirements, but who are still in good standing, are eligible to receive a Certificate in Memoriam to honor their progress toward earning their degree.
Requests for posthumous certificates should be made to the Office of the Registrar.