BSN PL Handbook Florida

Testing Policy

Some nursing core courses have a proctored midterm and a proctored final exam. Students must attain a 75% on both the midterm and final exam to progress in the program. Any student who does not score 75% on the first attempt will be offered a second attempt at the exam. Remediation is required and must be completed prior to the second attempt. First and second attempts are preset in the session schedule that all students receive. Remediation will occur with an assigned faculty member.

Midterms will consist of 50 questions and include content from Modules 1 through 4. The midterm will be administered at or near the midway point of the course. Students will be given 65 minutes to complete the midterm exam.

Finals will consist of 100 questions and will include 50% of the questions based on content from Modules 5 through 8, and 50% cumulative from Modules 1 through 8. The final will be administered at or near the end of the course. Students will be given 130 minutes to complete the final exam.

Students must arrive to the testing center at least 15 minutes prior to the start time of the scheduled exam. Student ID or state issued picture ID must be in hand to enter the testing environment.

Students must notify the nursing faculty for their course and their Program Director if they are running late for an exam. No student will be allowed into an exam after the first student completes the exam and has left the testing room. If arriving late and entry to test is granted, the student will only have the remaining time left to complete their test. No additional time will be provided. If the student arrives late and entry is not granted, the student will forfeit the exam attempt. In this case, the second exam attempt will be the student’s final score for the exam.

If an extenuating circumstance occurs that does not allow a student to sit for a scheduled exam, the student must reach out to the nursing faculty for their course and Program Director prior to the scheduled exam. The excuse must be verifiably documented and must be approved by the Program Director and Dean of Nursing.

Books, papers, any electronic devices, cell phones, smart phones, smart glasses, ear buds, smart watches, or any other Wi-Fi/Bluetooth or internet accessible devices must be placed at the front or back of the room as designated by the proctors in the room. Students should not have anything in their pockets during the exam, without prior approval from the Program Director. No hoods or hats are allowed to be worn during the exam. Personal ear buds and noise cancelling headphones are not allowed to be worn. No food or drinks are allowed in the testing room.  

Calculators and ear plugs will be provided by the school.

Scratch paper will be provided by the proctor. Students should bring only a pen or pencil with them and have that available. The student will put their name on the scratch paper. All scratch paper will be collected as the student leaves the room.  

If a student needs to take a bathroom break, they should raise their hand to alert the proctor. The time taken for bathroom breaks is not added to the remaining testing time. Only one student at a time is allowed to go and return to the bathroom during the testing period.

Students are to remain quiet once they have entered the testing area. Any student who is disruptive to the testing environment in any way can be removed by the faculty or proctor. The exam of the offender will be stopped, and the student will receive a zero grade for that attempt.