BSN PL Handbook Florida

Explanation of Lab-Simulation and Clinical Experiences

Lab, Simulation, and Clinical preparation is an expectation of every student. The amount of time required for preparation varies according to course requirements and the setting. The lab component of each nursing core course is determined using a 1:2 ratio; two hours of lab practice is required for each credit hour. The clinical component of each nursing core course is determined using a 1:3 ratio; three hours of clinical practice is required for each credit hour.

  • Assignments:
    • All lab and simulation experiences will be located on Campus.
    • The BSN Pre-Licensure Program is fortunate to offer clinical opportunities at healthcare facilities located in Maricopa County and surrounding counties.
      • Clinical placements in close proximity to the Campus or to a student’s home address are not guaranteed.
      • While it is desirable to minimize duplication of clinical sites for each student, duplication of placement may be unavoidable as program progression occurs.
      • Students will be assigned to healthcare facilities by the Clinical Practice Manager or Clinical Coordinator.
      • Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from the clinical facilities.
  • Expectations:
    • Since nursing is also a practice profession, nursing students are required to be prepared, attend, and actively participate in all lab, simulation, and clinical experiences.
    • Complete preparation for lab, simulation, or clinical experiences, identified by the requirements and/or guidelines in each nursing core course, is an act that acknowledges and affirms professionalism and is required of all students. Students are expected to arrive wearing the appropriate uniform and by bringing all required equipment, learning materials, and paperwork as required. Please see Uniform Requirements section.
    • Successful completion of the lab, simulation, and clinical experience requires attending and actively participating in all required hours. Please see Attendance and Punctuality section for more information.
    • Promptness is required and is absolutely necessary in the healthcare profession. Please see Attendance and Punctuality section for more information.
    • Students in need of first aid or treatment due to illness, injury, or exposure while in the lab, simulation, or clinical setting should immediately consult with the faculty.
    • Students should not use cell phones, pagers, smart watches, tablets, or computers for non-class activities during lab or simulation time. Students are to follow the clinical agency policy regarding any electronic device at the clinical agency. Violation of the clinical agency’s policy may result in expulsion from the clinical agency and a course failure.
    • Students may not receive personal phone calls or visitors while participating in lab, simulation, or clinical experiences. Extenuating circumstances should be discussed with the faculty.