BSN PL Handbook Florida

Communicable Disease

You may not participate in classroom or field experiences during the time you are affected by or suspect you have a communicable disease. A communicable disease is a health disorder that can be passed from one person to another. If suspected of communicable disease, you must immediately visit your personal physician for evaluation. If the evaluation shows possible communicable disease, you must remain out of contact with patients for the duration suggested by the physician and report this to the course faculty and program director. You may not return to participation in clinicals until you have been re-evaluated by a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant and released with written verification from the medical provider. You must contact the clinical faculty and Clinical Practice Manager upon suspicion and verification of the disease.  No exceptions to other university policies will be made based on contracting a communicable disease.  If you are unable to meet the requirements of the course, you will receive a failing grade.