Faculty Handbook

Faculty Appointments

Faculty members are scheduled by the Office of Faculty Services based upon course approvals from the Dean of the associated school. Faculty appointments are made by the school/program administration based on consideration of the following:


  • Advanced degrees in appropriate academic disciplines or related fields
  • Exemplary teaching skills, especially the ability to communicate and relate to students
  • Performance within the classroom (Classroom Evaluation Rubric/CER scores and F-Status rankings)
  • Prior teaching experience, including experience with distance learning delivery, and
  • Current professional activity in the discipline in which they are employed


Subject Matter Experts (SME) are selected from the faculty pool by the Dean of the school where the course is housed. All SMEs must have a degree at or above the course-level he/she is developing and the degree should specifically and directly pertain to the content of the course being developed. Subject Matter Experts should also have 3+ years of direct experience in the field. This experience should be directly related to the course content. Additionally, this individual should possess knowledge and experience that demonstrate competence in distance education instructional practices and curriculum design principles. SMEs are required to complete Aspen’s SME training course as part of their first SME assignment.