MPH Handbook

Site Supervisor Role

While the Internship Faculty assumes ultimate responsibility for a formal written student evaluation, the Site supervisor/Site Preceptor's input will provide supportive evidence for the ratings. The Site supervisor's primary role is teaching. In the teaching process, the Site supervisor will observe the student in practice. The Site supervisor is positioned to collect data that gives evidence of student competence. Also, the Site supervisor/Site Preceptor has the opportunity to support professional practice standards and the credibility. The Site supervisor's observations of the student's performance should be compared with practice standards, validated with faculty, and shared with the student. The student's response to your day-to-day feedback. Overall, the site preceptor is responsible for student learning during the internship. Site receptors preferably have a graduate degree in public health. However, individuals who work in public health, and have an undergraduate degree with relevant professional certification (e.g., Certified Industrial Hygienist—CIH, Certified Health Education Specialist—CHES, etc.) are also acceptable.