Academic Catalog

Course Numbering System

Number Definitions

The number by which a course is designated indicates the level of the course:

  • 100-299: Lower-division courses primarily for freshman and sophomores
    •  100-199: Primarily introductory and beginning courses
    • 200-299: Intermediate-level courses
  • 300-499: Upper-division courses primarily for juniors and seniors
    • 300-399: Advanced, intermediate-level courses
    • 400-499: Advanced-level courses
  • 500-799: Graduate-level courses
  • 800-999: Doctoral-level courses


Criteria for Upper/Lower-Division Coursework

Lower-division courses are generally designed to provide students with a broad background in general education as well as introductory programmatic coursework. This lower division coursework equips students with the foundation needed for advanced study, enhances critical thinking skills, and provides students with a diverse educational background, exposing them to new concepts, theories, and perspectives.

Upper-division courses are degree-specific courses that provide students with the in-depth knowledge needed to be successful in their field of study. These courses build upon the foundation provided by lower-division coursework and continue to enhance the critical thinking skills, knowledge base, and degree-specific theories and methods needed to be successful post-baccalaureate.