Academic Catalog

Refund Calculations

Refunds are calculated based on the Total Course Price, which includes tuition, course specific fees, earned financial charges, and other fees that are charged to students for required courses, such as proctoring or technology access. The amount of the refund is based on the portion of the course duration for which the student has paid, but has not yet used, as of the Date of Determination of Withdrawal. The refund tables presented below provide the percentage of Total Course Price to be refunded at different points of withdrawal throughout the duration of a course.

A student may withdraw from one or more courses during a term and not be withdrawn from the University.  Please see the Continuous Enrollment Policy for a detailed explanation.  A student who withdraws from all of his or her courses in a term will be responsible for any charges that may accrue on their account due to the withdrawal.

Florida Students Only: Refunds will be issued within 30 days of the Withdrawal date.

Iowa Students Only: All tuition charges will be refunded to Iowa students who withdraw within the first two calendar weeks of instruction.

If an Iowa student terminates from any of the school’s programs or courses after the first two calendar weeks of the semester, the student will receive a pro rata refund that is not less than ninety-five percent of the amount of tuition charged to the student multiplied by the ratio of the number of calendar days remaining in the school period to the total number of calendar days in the school period. If the terminating student has completed sixty percent or more of a school period, the student will not receive a refund of charges.

Exception Policy: If an Iowa student terminates a postsecondary educational program after the first 14 consecutive days of the session due to the student's physically incapacity, or due to the transfer of the student's spouse's employment to another city, the terminating student shall receive a refund of the tuition charges in an amount that equals the amount of tuition charged to the student multiplied by the ratio of the remaining number of calendar days in the school period to the total number of calendar days in the school period.

Refunds will be processed and mailed within 45 calendar days of the date the student is determined to be withdrawn from the University. Refunds are mailed to the student’s address on file with the institution. Students must ensure that their information is updated and is accurate. The University is not responsible for late or missing refunds if the student has not ensured accuracy of information with the Office of the Registrar.


Refund of Other Fees


Non-Refundable Fees

Fee Type Amount Frequency
Student Finance Processing Fee* $250  one time
Graduation (excluding Certificate programs) $150 one time
Graduation (Certificate programs) $100 one time
Transcript Request $15 per request
Portfolio Credit Evaluation $250 per course of one time
Additional Diploma $75 per request
Assessment (N495, N511, N518) $125 per identified course
DNP Immersion $175 per course
Doctoral Dissertation/Project $2,250 one time
Virtual Residency (RSH912)  $125 per identified course
Proctored Assessment $125 per assessment
Proctored Exam- Doctoral programs $225 per exam
Wire Transfer $40 per request

*Effective January 1, 2025


Refundable Fees

Fee Type Amount Frequency
Undergraduate Technology $90 per course
Nursing Undergraduate/Graduate Technology $75 per course
Graduate Technology (non-Nursing) $150 per course
Doctoral Technology (non-Nursing) $75 per course
DNP Technology $175 per course
Continuing Education Technology $90 per course
Nursing & Health Sciences Capstone $275 per course
Nursing Practicum $275 per course
Internship $350 one time
Embedded Proctored Assessment Fee $125 per course
Embedded Proctored Exam Fee- Doctoral $225 per course 


In the event that the student cancels their enrollment prior to the Start Date, or the Date of Determination of Withdrawal from the course is during the first week, the course specific fees are refunded at a rate of 100%. In the event the student completes the course, the fees are non-refundable. If the Date of Determination of Withdrawal from the course is after the first week, the course specific tuition and refundable fees will be refunded in accordance with the below refund table.

Students are not required to purchase instruction books, supplies and tools from the institution specifically, and are not required to purchase materials until they are necessary. The institution does not sell instruction books, supplies and tools.  Instruction books, supplies and tools must be purchased from outside vendors.

Refund Table for 8-week Courses

Date of Determination of Withdrawal Percentage of Total Course Price
During the 1st week of class 100%
During the 2nd week of class 80%
During the 3rd week of class 60%
During the 4th week of class 40%
During the 5th week of class 20%
After the 5th week of class 0%

Sample Refund Calculation: A student enrolls in a course where the Total Course Price is $1,246.25 ($1,121.25 tuition and $125.00 technology fee). If student withdraws from the course and the Date of Determination of Withdrawal is during the second week, the student is entitled to a refund of $997.00. ($1,246.25 * 80%).


Refund Table for 16-week Courses

Date of Determination of Withdrawal

Percentage of Total Course Price
During the 1st week of class 100%
During the 2nd week of class 80%
During the 3rd week of class 70%
During the 4th week of class 60%
During the 5th week of class 50%
During the 6th week of class 40%
During the 7th week of class  30%
During the 8th week of class  20%
During the 9th week of class  10%


Students Called to Active Military Service

A student of Aspen University who withdraws from the University as a result of being called to active duty in a military service of the United States or their State National Guard may elect one of the following options for each course or program in which the student is enrolled:

  • If tuition and fees are collected in advance of the withdrawal the student will receive a refund in accordance with the Refund Table for any tuition, fees, or other refundable charges paid by the student for the program. In addition, any unpaid tuition, fees, or other charges owed by the student for the portion of the program the student does not complete following withdrawal will be canceled;
  • Re-enroll in the program, or a substantially equivalent program if that program is no longer available, not later than the first anniversary of the date the student is discharged from active duty without payment of additional tuition, fees, or other charges for the program other than any previously unpaid balance of the original tuition, fees, and other charges; or
  • Receive the assignment of an appropriate final grade or credit for the courses in which the student is currently enrolled, but only if the instructor or instructors of the program determine that the student has:
    • Satisfactorily completed at least 90 percent of the required coursework for the course; and,
    • Demonstrated sufficient mastery of the course material to receive credit for completing the course.

Iowa Students Only:

Aspen University is supportive of a student who is a member, or the spouse of a member if the member has a dependent child, of the Iowa National Guard or reserve forces of the United States and who is ordered to National Guard duty or federal active duty. Upon verification of orders requiring active duty, you may select from several tuition credit options:

Options available to qualified students: Upon meeting with the Military Office ( to verify orders, Aspen University will work with you to determine the best plan for your circumstances. Aspen University has three options to review and consider with you.

  1. Withdraw from the student’s entire registration and receive a full refund of tuition and mandatory fees.
  2. Make arrangements with the student’s instructors for course grades, or for incompletes that shall be completed by the student at a later date. If such arrangements are made, the student’s registration shall remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed for the courses in full.
  3. Make arrangements with only some of the student’s instructors for grades, or for incompletes that shall be completed by the student at a later date. If such arrangements are made, the registration for those courses shall remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed for those courses. Any course for which arrangements cannot be made for grades or incompletes shall be considered dropped and the tuition and mandatory fees for the course refunded.

These rules are in compliance with Iowa Code 256.183(1)(g).