Faculty Handbook

Faculty Training Expectations and Topics

Each faculty member will be supported with a robust faculty onboarding orientation and subsequent professional development trainings that focus on increasing faculty’s effectiveness in the classroom. Below is the list of trainings, along with some subtopics.


Required of All Faculty

D2L Introduction for Faculty

  • Desire2Learn (D2L) Fundamentals
  • Simulation Tour
  • What must I do each week?
  • How do I facilitate discussions?
  • How do I assess and grade student assignments?
  • Using Turnitin (Tii)
  • Rubrics and Feedback
  • Email and Pager Messaging
  • Aspen University Resources
  • Faculty Handbook


         Web 2.0- Tools for Increasing Student Engagement is suggested

  • Engaging Online Learners
  • Creating Micro-Lectures
  • Facilitating Effective Asynchronous Discussions
  • Personalizing the Online Learning Experience
  • Managing Online Groups


Required of School of Nursing and Health Sciences (SONHS) Faculty

  • Shadow Health (for RN-BSN, RN-MSN, and MSN faculty teaching N518, N511 and N495)
  • Project Concert (for all SONHS faculty)
  • Site-Based Expectations (for faculty teaching in the BSNPL program)
  • Classrooms, Storage Rooms
  • Labs and Simulations
  • Using Shadow Health
  • Handling Laerdal Mannequins and the EMS Video Feedback System
  • Using Project Concert
  • Office Hours and Availability to Students
    • Program-specific Policy Implementation


Required for Faculty Teaching in the EdD, DCS or DNP Programs

  1. Dissertation Committee Training
  • Doctoral Program Orientation
  • Committee Roles and Expectations
  • Dissertation/DNP Project Process and Forms
  • IRB Process and CITI Training


Professional Development

One way that Aspen supports the professional development and training of faculty is through our Professional Growth and Development Fund, where faculty can apply for up to $500 reimbursement to attend a workshop, webinar or conference of their choice that relates to their role as an instructor at Aspen. Each request is for one event per year.  Aspen values faculty and their continued commitment to quality teaching, learning, and research. As such, we would like to support faculty to stay current in their field to bring quality learning to the student experience. For more information on the program, please refer to the Appendix.


Faculty Scholarship Opportunities

Each year, all Aspen faculty have the opportunity to participate in different scholarship events, which are described below. These events are created based on feedback and direct input from faculty members.

  • Faculty Speaker Series- A faculty-driven series of presentations on topics selected by faculty
  • Biannual Research Colloquium- A twice per year virtual gathering of faculty who share their research in the field
  • Aspen Journal- A peer-reviewed medium for faculty to publish articles on various topics


Go to this link to view the Scholarship Events Center site.