Faculty Handbook

Role of Faculty for All Schools at Aspen

The faculty form an integral part of the student experience and, as such, our faculty members are critical to each student’s success. First and foremost, the role of faculty is to be highly engaged in the online classroom, especially since virtual learners have different needs in relation to communication, guidance, direction, feedback, clarity, involvement, interaction, and support. Faculty are expected to “be present” in their students’ academic journey, to enhance the curriculum by adding personal and professional life experiences, to be a model for how to have dialogue within the discussion boards, to provide quality and useful feedback on student work, and to enrich the academic learning environment with digital, multi-sensory tools (e.g., Web 2.0 Tools like video-conferencing and instructional tutorials) that are current and relevant to the world outside of the classroom, particularly when it pertains to tools used in the real-world work settings. A job description for faculty can be found in the Appendix. For the role and responsibilities of the Preceptor in the School of Nursing & Health Sciences, refer to the Program Handbooks in the Academic Catalog.