Program Overview
The Master of Public Health (MPH) program is designed to create leaders in areas that are vital to local, national, and international public health concerns. The curriculum for the Master of Public Health degree program comprises of core competencies, specialized courses, electives, and a practical experience in the field of Public Health. This curriculum covers a wide range of topics to assist students to enhance their knowledge, skills, and capacities as public health leaders.
The University Based Mission Outcomes of Aspen University’s education programs are to prepare students who emulate the following characteristics and behaviors:
Ethical Professionalism
- Exhibits self-directed learning and professional behavior that adheres to the standards of the discipline
- Behaves in ways that are founded in socially responsible, ethical framework
Effective Communication for Creating Change
- Uses reading, writing, listening and speaking as communication tools to effectively express and comprehend ideas
- Implements effective communication to function successfully in multiple roles while collaborating on teams
- Demonstrates cultural competence when interacting with diverse populations through multiple modes of communication
Active Leadership
- Exhibits a self-awareness of leadership style and personal values
- Recognizes and articulates leadership theory in real-life contexts
- Participates in the profession at different levels
Critical Thinking and Analytical Reasoning
- Demonstrates logical reasoning by using evidence-based paradigms that are anchored in solid research and reliable, valid data
- Analyzes and evaluates multiple sources of information to draw conclusions and generate plans for solving complex problems
Technological Literacy
- Leverages technology to achieve goals and produce high-value work products
- Accesses and uses information ethically and legally
- Employs technology for effective online collaboration
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Joanne Weiss, Provost
August 31, 2023