Policy and Procedure Manual

301-7 Transfer Credit Policy

Title: Transfer Credit Policy
Owner: Registrar
Last Update/Revised: 06/01/2021

Policy: Aspen University recognizes that students may have earned credits at a previous institution or have experiential learning. Aspen University accepts credits earned from an appropriately accredited academic institution when the course content is deemed equivalent to that of an Aspen course and the course meets the minimum credit and grade requirements. In order to make that determination, Aspen University will conduct a comprehensive review of a student’s prior, submitted academic work. Aspen University will make every reasonable effort to provide students with an appropriate amount of transfer credit based upon their records. Aspen University adheres to the standards of good practice set forth by our accrediting bodies.

Aspen University's Transfer Credit Policy, including information on transfer credit requirements and alternative paths to transfer credit can be found in the Academic Catalog.


Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to provide visibility and instruction for the University's transfer credit processes.


Documents and Form(s):

Student Official Transcripts