DNP Handbook

Logging Banked Hours

You can only complete this once you have an approved DNP Previously Completed Hours Form approved by the Office of Field Experience. Once it has been approved, the Office of Field Experience will make this entry format available to you for a short amount of time. You will need to add the hours before you lose access to this entry format. 

  • Click on Experience. Click on New. Make sure to select "DNP Previously Completed Hours (Banked).”
  • Select today's date. Enter the hours that were approved. Select the DNP Coordinator name. Select Completed Verification of Precepted Graduate Hours. Select the associated immersion course. Type in a description of the activities of the previously approved hours. Click Save - "Continue editing this entry."
  • Click on the Document tab. Click Add Document. If it is greyed out, remember you need to save the entry before attaching a document.
  • It will open a pop-up. Type in file name. Chose file from your computer. Click Add Document.
  • Then click Submit.