Policy and Procedure Manual

205 - Disability Policy

Title: Disability Policy
Owner: VP Academic and Regulatory Operations
Last Update/Revised: 08/31/2023
Policy: Aspen University’s Disability Services will work to uphold the mission of the University by providing reasonable accommodations to all students with disabilities in order to help them achieve their academic goals. Aspen University complies and adheres to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

Aspen University’s policy and practice is to provide students with disabilities full and equal use of services, facilities, and privileges. Aspen University does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its admission, recruitment, academics, research, financial aid, counseling, or employment assistance processes. Furthermore, Aspen University does not screen out, exclude, expel, limit, or otherwise discriminate against an individual seeking admission as a student, or an individual enrolled as a student, based on disability. Aspen University promotes an environment of respect and support for individuals with disabilities.


More information on Aspen University's Disability Policy can be found in the Academic Catalog.


Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to provide clarity on Aspen University's Disability Policy and available accommodations.