Policy and Procedure Manual

208 - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Title: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Acts (FERPA)
Owner: Registrar
Last Update/Revised: 08/31/2023

Policy: Aspen University complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, which affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. Such educational records will be released only with written consent of the student, except under certain exceptions as defined under FERPA.

Information on Aspen University's FERPA Policy can be found in the Academic Catalog.  Staff and Faculty members can report potential violations to the Registrar's Office via the FERPA Violation Complaint Form.


Purpose: The purpose of this federal regulation is to protect the privacy of all student educational records.


Documents and Form(s):

FERPA Release Form

FERPA Revoke Form

Request to Amend Educational Records

Request to View Educational Records

Request to Withhold Directory Information