Policy and Procedure Manual

401-3 Faculty Governance

Title: Faculty Role in Governance
Owner: Provost
Last Update/Revised: 08/31/2023

Policy: Faculty input is essential to the success they experience as they serve their students, grow professionally and participate in decisions that affect them. The Faculty Senate serves to help review and design policies and practices that affect all faculty across the university. 

Purpose: Faculty governance refers to the participation by faculty members in the process of policy development, strategic and academic planning, and decision-making over curriculum, instruction and assessment that, in aggregate, helps the University better achieve its mission. One way this is accomplished is through the Faculty Senate, with each school having at least one faculty member serving on the committee.

Faculty governance is the recognition that by virtue of education, experience, insights of the professional community and industries for which the programs are developed, and daily student contact, faculty bring skills and insights to the process of curriculum development, review, critique, assessment of student learning outcomes, and recommendations for change.