Faculty Handbook

Early Access to Classes for Faculty

While students will begin class on the Tuesday of the start date, faculty will be assigned to their courses on the Friday before the start date, allowing the faculty to have some extra time to prepare their classroom for the first day before students arrive. During this early access period, faculty are expected to do the following in order to help the students get a good start on Day 1 of class.


  • Review the course materials within the Content tab to make sure you are familiar with the course since textbooks, assignments, and curriculum changes occur from time to time based on feedback from students and faculty.
  • Access the Classlist tab and review information about your students.
  • In the News section, post a welcome message with a preview of what is expected for the first week and what students will learn in the first module. Include any additional resources (articles, videos) that will extend the students’ learning experience with the first week’s topic(s).
  • Post a short Bio about yourself. It is best if this is a video introduction using a Web 2.0 tool.
  • Post any “rules” related to your classroom (e.g., late assignment policy, netiquette guidelines, how to start a new thread in the discussion forums, methods for contacting you, etc.).