Faculty Handbook

Faculty Agreement and Services

The primary role of the Faculty will be that of an academic coach, teacher and mentor to Aspen University students during the students’ academic experiences. In conjunction with these responsibilities, faculty will:


  • Complete a Faculty File including official transcripts to meet accreditation,
  • Participate in faculty trainings and surveys when appropriate and as requested,
  • Remain current in areas of personal expertise and service,
  • Communicate with Aspen University Deans and the Curriculum Department on course delivery improvements as needed by submitting a Curriculum Issues Reporting Form (CIRF) via a Tech Ticket.
  • Communicate with Academic Advising through the Early Alert system when students are failing at the course mid-point or when assignments are not completed without communication between the faculty and student.
  • Maintain and demonstrate professional knowledge for and proficiency in:
    • Use of a designated Aspen LMS,
    • Aspen University’s academic offerings (curricula, programs, courses, policies and procedures.
    • Best practices for delivering online education, and
    • Best practices for academic mentoring and coaching.


Faculty will execute these roles and responsibilities in accordance with the guidelines presented in the Faculty Handbook as it may be amended from time to time, and the terms of this Agreement.


Aspen University designs a preloaded curriculum for every course. The design is very deliberately connected to not only learning outcomes, but items that are also digitally linked through course settings to transfer grades, initiate different release conditions, gather data on student performance and participation, etc.  Because of this intricate connection of different design components and technical pre-settings in the classroom, we ask that faculty do not edit the pre-loaded content and do not move items from the pre-loaded location in the classroom. Once you move something, the preset connection does not follow. Then, you have a classroom of broken connections, causing unnecessary disruption to student learning and progress. It is encouraged that you add enhancements, such as articles, videos, news stories, etc., through the News section of your classroom, but do not create new requirements or additional assignments for students. If there is an issue in your course, please complete the Classroom Issue Reporting Form (CIRF) as a Tech Ticket.