Faculty Handbook

Signature Assignment

Comprehensive Assessments are designed to test a student’s overall knowledge of the program’s learning goals and are administered at predetermined points during a student’s program. During this final recorded video submission, students will verify their identity by reading the following attestation statement and showing proof of identification (driver’s license, or another photo identification– Be sure to show only your full name. Please, cover up any additional personal data).

  • Student Attestation: Begin recording and read the following statement:
    • All Aspen University students are required to abide by Aspen University’s Academic Integrity Policy, as outlined in the university catalog. The Academic Integrity Policy is built upon the concepts of honesty, truth, fairness, respect, and responsibility. By taking this assessment, I agree to abide by both the Academic Integrity Policy and the rules outlined on this exam. With this recording, I am attesting that I have personally completed the Comprehensive Assessment and that the information I submit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
  • Identity Verification: Show proof of identification by holding ID up to the camera, for 3-5 seconds. Be sure to show only your full name. Please, cover up any additional personal data.
  • Comprehensive Assessment: Proceed with the assignment presentation.
  • IMPORTANT: Record your video and upload it directly to the video submission assignment.

Copy the link from the recorded presentation and paste it at the end of the essay to include when you submit the final assignment. If the assignment does not include the link to the recording, or if the link is faulty and the instructor is not able to review the recording, you will earn a zero for this assignment.
**Note: The video must be included to pass the course.