Faculty Handbook

The Turnitin Process and Reporting Incidences of Suspected Plagiarism

While Turnitin is a tool for helping find matches between a student’s work and the work of others, it does not indicate plagiarism. Only a human can make the decision about plagiarism by opening the Similarity Report and considering the similarities. However, when an incident of plagiarism is suspected, the faculty should first review the Similarity Report and also ask the student about what happened. If following this preliminary investigation yields solid suspicion that plagiarism of content was involved, the faculty should send an email to registrar@aspen.edu to get further guidance on what to do next. Be sure to do this immediately and be prepared to provide documentation of the suspected offense. The University’s policy on academic integrity and honesty, the code of conduct policy, and the process for plagiarism violations can be found in the Academic Catalog.