MPH Handbook

MPH 580 Public Health and Health Education Internship

This graduate level course focuses on the application of theoretical concepts and strategies for a selected learner population in a public health setting. Emphasis is on effective communication and sensitivity to varying needs of the learner based on cultural and educational background. Evidence-based strategies will be developed into a comprehensive activity or teaching plan to engage learners in active learning and implemented to meet mutually determined outcomes. 120 hours of internship experience will be required.


**Note: The student will complete the MPH program’s Comprehensive Examination during module seven of this course.


Course Learning Objectives (CLOs):

After this course, you will be able to:

  • Engage in collaboration, consultation, and referral with other disciplines involved in public health and health education. 
  • Critically appraise current and innovative practices in public health, including monitoring quality of education practices among diverse populations.
  • Evaluate evidence-based research findings in public health and public health education.
  • Synthesize and apply principles of program design while planning the development, implementation, and evaluation of a public health improvement program project.
  • Apply systems thinking tools to a public health issue.
  • Create a public health teaching project.
  • Complete the MPH program’s Comprehensive Examination.




MPH501 Public Health in America
MPH503 Health Policy & Ethical Issues in Public Health
MPH505 Public Health Education & Program Oversight
MPH510 Epidemiology in Public Health
MPH520 Disaster Management & Emergency Preparedness MPH530 Environmental Issues in Public Health
MPH540 Public Health Administration
MPH550 Health Behavior and Health Education
MPH560 Applied Biostatistics for Public Health
MPH570 Evidence-Based Practice in Public Health