MPH Handbook

Specific Details Pertaining to Faculty and Site Supervisor Responsibilities

Site Supervisor & Site Approval and Verification of Current Contracts 

All Site supervisors and sites must be approved by the faculty prior to a final agreement with the Site supervisor. The Site supervisor must have a minimum of two years of counseling experience and a master’s degree. An Addiction Counselor with a master’s or doctoral degree and NAADAC certification is the optimal candidate. The Site supervisor's credentials to practice in the state of the internship site and a CV must accompany the students' request for Site supervisorship. Contracts with the site agency must be in place prior to the student being on site.


Communication with Site Supervisors

The Faculty should contact the Site Supervisor prior to the onset of student Internship. Information that should be shared includes course requirements; level of prospective student; time and method of regular communication; expectations of the Site Supervisor; method(s) of student performance evaluation. This information can be through written or verbal communication. The faculty should verify that the Site supervisor has received the following documents from the student: MPH Handbook, completed Student Profile, resume, and liability insurance (if required)


Evaluation of Student

The course syllabus and evaluation forms include the requirements and evaluation criteria for successful student performance. Evaluations by the faculty, with input from the Site supervisor are important components of the student performance. Open communication between the Course Faculty, Site supervisor and student is essential.

Faculty employ several methods including interactions with Site supervisor, regular review of student's hours logs documenting the student's experiences and supportive evidence from the l Site supervisor are utilized.

Evaluation of Site Supervisor

The Dean, School of Professional Studies will complete a regular review of each Site supervisor using information from student evaluations. These documents will be used for continued approval or removal as a Site supervisor.