Policy and Procedure Manual

606- Institutional Review Board

Title: Institutional Review Board
Owner: VP, Faculty Services and Scholarship
Last Update/Revised: 07/30/20204

Policy: Aspen University maintains an Institutional Review Board (IRB) that is registered with the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP; IORG0010000).

Every doctoral project/dissertation study and all research conducted at Aspen University by faculty or staff must be reviewed by the Aspen IRB and must receive approval to proceed before project/study commences. The IRB can be contacted via a dedicated email: IRB@aspen.edu. Aspen University's IRB handbook is available on the Aspen University website. Current doctoral students at Aspen University can access additional IRB information and resources through the Center for Graduate Studies located in the online D2L Classroom.

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to increase knowledge of the IRB resources that are available to Aspen University's doctoral students.