Academic Catalog

CIS657 Enterprise JavaBeans and J2EE

This course provides a thorough coverage of enterprise-computing technologies using the Java Enterprise Edition. It focuses on Java EE 6 � a recent version of the Java EE specification that includes several features that simplify enterprise application development. It covers how to build multi-tier distributed applications using Java EE APIs as JSPs, Servlets, JSTL, JSF, JPA, EJBs, JMS, MDBs, JAX-WS, and JAX-RS. Specifically it addresses how to build web-based user interfaces, business logic layer and the data access layers. The course will also expose students to the use of NetBeans � a free integrated development environment (IDE) that provide support for all features of Java EE 6. This course is designed for the student who has some Java programming experience. A student ought to be very comfortable with object-oriented programming using Java. It is also important for the student to be familiar with several of Java's APIs, the most important of which for our purposes are JDBC and I/O and Serialization. While not required, prior experience with developing dynamic web contents using PHP, CGI, or ASP will also put a prospective student at an advantage. Also, students with experience using some messaging service or developing distributed applications using COM or CORBA, will find portions of the course simpler.



