Academic Catalog

CIS658 Java Programming

This course provides thorough coverage of the Java programming language and the object oriented nature of Java is covered extensively. Also covered in depth are the APIs included with the Java, such as I/O, Threading, Database connectivity, and networking. This course is designed for the student who has some programming experience. A student ought to be able to work with loops, conditionals, arrays, and subroutines or functions in some language before attempting this course. Those students with a background in C, C++, Perl or some related language will find the syntax familiar, as Java uses basically the same syntax as C. Students who have experience using pointers and references will also find the course less difficult than those with no such experience. Finally, the most difficult part of the course for those with no such background is Java's object oriented nature. Any student who is comfortable with Object Oriented Concepts should find this course much easier than a student who has no such background.



