MPH Handbook


Responsible for evaluating and providing feedback on student assignments as outlined in the course.

  • At the completion of the final internship course, complete the Competency Scale, weighing input of both the Site Supervisor and the Faculty Mentor.
  • Evaluate internship sites and Site supervisors for appropriateness of learning experiences.
  • Review all documents related to the Site supervisorship, including the:
    • Site Supervisor Intent of Relationship,
    • Site Supervisor Profile (and curriculum vitae), and
    • Site Agreement (Memorandum of Agreement).

  • Arrange at least ONE teleconference with the Site supervisor and student (jointly) during the internship for evaluation purposes.
  • Provide immediate consultation and/or support of the Site supervisor when needs or problems are reported.
  • Review completed Site evaluation and Site supervisor evaluation forms at the end of the course, and making revisions as dictated by student feedback.
  • Seek Site supervisor input regarding the student’s performance
  • Document the student’s progress and specify satisfactory/unsatisfactory completion of experience based on the Site supervisor evaluations (Student Performance Evaluation and teleconference) and the achievement of objectives for the internship experience.