MPH Handbook


  • Suggest a Site supervisor to their faculty based on geographic need, Site supervisor qualification, reputation, and availability.
  • Provide the Site supervisor with the MPH Handbook (which contains course objectives and appropriate evaluations tools).
  • Complete and submit the Site Supervisor Agreement Form (the “Intent of Relationship” form establishing your Site supervisor’s willingness to serve as a Site supervisor, along with the signature of administrative representative or business manager)
  • Assist in collection of legal and contractual documents ( and curriculum vitae/resume, and the Site Agreement) prior to beginning the internship experience.
  • Submit a completed student profile and curriculum vitae/resume, and individualized learning objectives to the Site supervisor on or before the first internship day.
  • Establish a mutually agreeable schedule for internship time with the Site supervisor. He/she will come to the internship experience prepared to perform in accordance with assigned learning activities in accordance with course.
  • Fulfill all agency requirements prior to starting the internship. This may include liability insurance (1 million/3 million), criminal background checks, and drug screens.
  • Follow policies and procedures established in the Site supervisorship site and will keep the Site supervisor informed about learning activities.
  • Participate in conferences with the Site supervisor and Faculty Mentor to discuss progress, problems, and learning needs.
  • Maintain accurate records of internship time and experiences on the Hours Tracking Log (HTL). This document will be completed, including the Site supervisor’s signature each day the student is in the site. Please note, all internship hours must be completed during MPH 580, for a focused public health competency-based internship. Retain a copy for your records.
  • Complete and submit the Site Evaluation and Site Supervisor Evaluation at the end of the course.