MPH Handbook

Site Supervisor

  • Sign the Site Supervisor Agreement Form (the “Intent of Relationship” form establishing your willingness to serve as a Site supervisor for the specified student). This will be submitted by the student after it is signed by the administrative or business manager
  • Complete the Site Supervisor Profile and attach a curriculum vitae/resume. Submit this to the student, who will then forward it to Aspen University. Alternatively, the

    Site supervisor may submit it directly to Aspen University. Contact information is provided on each form.

  • Assist in collection of legal and contractual documents (Site Agreement), to be submitted by the student prior to beginning the internship experience.
  • Provide a setting in which the student may observe and participate in educational and counseling situations in a mental healthcare or academic organization.
  • Function as a role model and provide leadership and supervision for the student.
  • Sign the student’s internship hours tracking log each day the student is present in his/her site.
  • Participate in at least ONE teleconference with the student and Faculty Mentor (jointly) to discuss the student's progress and learning needs.
  • Provide input regarding evaluation of the student and will complete the Student Performance Evaluation form at the end of the course.
  • Notify the Faculty Mentor immediately when satisfactory performance of the student is in question.