Policy and Procedure Manual

204 - Complaints Grievances and Appeals Policy

Title: Complaints, Grievances, and Appeals Policies
Owner: Registrar
Last Update/Revised: 07/30/2024

Policy: The Complaint, Grievances, and Appeals policies and procedures are designed to support and foster a fair, objective, respectful and ethical set of policies and procedures for resolution of disputes. The policies and procedures provide students with a process that protects the University community, including students, faculty and staff. Students are encouraged to resolve resolutions through informal channels when possible, but the University has measures in place to provide students with more formal avenues for resolution when necessary. Information on Aspen University's Complaints and Grievance Policies and Appeals Policy can be found in the Academic Catalog.

Complaints regarding discrimination, harassment, sex-based discrimination, or retaliation must contact the Title IX Coordinator found under the Title IX Statement.

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to provide information about the various avenues through which students can resolve issues with the university.