Policy and Procedure Manual

210 - Exceptions Policy

Title: Exceptions Policy
Owner: Registrar
Last Update/Revised: 07/30/2024

Policy: Aspen University expects its academic administrators, faculty, staff, and students to adhere to any and all university policies and academic requirements. Occasionally, exceptions to a university policy may be granted based on criteria established in each policy and related procedures, or as determined by the Chief Academic Officer/Provost/Registrar. The Registrar is responsible for recording and documenting any approved policy exceptions.

Most exceptions to policy are reviewed via the Appeals Process. Exceptions related to Admissions Requirements are reviewed by the University Registrar as a part of the admissions process. The institution also has an internal Request for Policy Exception process meant to review instances where an employee error or system issue negatively impacts a student. Policy exception requests are sent by the appropriate Dean or Director to the University Registrar for review. All documents related to exceptions granted are recorded in the student's academic record.

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to address potential anticipated issues and circumstances that may occasionally arise that warrant an exception to a university policy.