MPH Handbook

Specific Details Pertaining to Student Responsibilities

It is important for students to recognize their role as a graduate student and his/her responsibilities to the internship site and Site supervisor. The student can optimize their internship learning experience by following these guidelines.


Selection of Site Supervisor


Students suggest a Site supervisor to the faculty based on geographic need, Site supervisor qualification, reputation, and availability. All Site supervisors and internship sites must be approved by the faculty prior to a final agreement with the Site supervisor. The Site supervisor must have a minimum of two years of counseling experience and a master’s degree. The Site supervisor's credentials to practice in the state of the internship site and a CV must accompany the students' request for Site supervision. Contracts with the Site supervisor and the internship agency must be in place prior to the student being on site for internship


Interview with Site Supervisor


The student should set up an appointment to meet with the Site supervisor prior to beginning internship hours. The student should go to the meeting prepared with the Student Profile, a resume, written individualized objectives, and liability insurance (If needed).


Negotiation of Internship Hours


Students are to negotiate acceptable hours with the Site Supervisor prior to starting internship. The student is expected to accommodate the Site Supervisor's availability and schedule. The student's personal and work schedules are expected to accommodate participation in the required number of hours specified by the internship course. A calendar should be completed by the student and submitted to the faculty and Site Supervisor. Changes to the internship l schedule are provided in writing to the Site Supervisor and the faculty.


Preparation for Internship


The student is expected to prepare for the internship as recommended by the faculty and Site Supervisor. This preparation includes developing individual learning objectives, conferring with faculty and Site Supervisor on areas of weakness that need to be refined, and seeking independent learning experiences that will provide the student with a higher level of self- confidence. The student is expected to prepare for the internship by reading current reference and course materials for the educational challenges most often encountered by the Site Supervisor. Subsequent internship day’s preparation should include reading appropriate reference material to expand knowledge regarding situations encountered by the student during the internship hours.



Evaluation of Site and Site Supervisor


The student's evaluation of their internship experience and the expertise of the Site supervisor is required at the end of each internship experience. The Site Evaluation and Site Supervisor Evaluation must be submitted at the completion of the course.



Confidentiality of Information


The student will maintain confidentiality while communicating data, plans, and results in a manner that preserves the dignity and privacy of the client and provides a legal record of care. For purposes of accreditation, students will assemble certain information in relation to their participation in the care of patients, but subsequent use of the information will be in redacted form meeting HIPAA Limited Data Set requirements.

When recording data to document student experiences, the student will remove any patient identifying data identified as "Limited Data Sets." Limited Data Sets are Protected Health Information (PHI) with the following 18 identifiers regarding the patient, the patient's employer, the patient's relatives and the members of the patient's household removed from it:

  • Names;
  • All geographic subdivisions smaller than a state;
  • All elements of dates (except year) for dates directly related to an individual;
  • Telephone numbers;
  • Fax numbers;
  • Electronic mail addresses;
  • Social Security numbers;
  • Medical record numbers;
  • Health plan beneficiary numbers;
  • Account numbers;
  • Certificate/license numbers;
  • Vehicle identifiers and serial numbers, including license plate numbers;
  • Device identifiers and serial numbers;
  • Web Universal Resource Locators;
  • Internet Protocol (IP) address numbers;
  • Biometric identifiers, including voice and finger prints;
  • Full face photographic images and any comparable images; and
  • Any other unique identifying number, characteristic or code.