Policy and Procedure Manual

201 - 5 Shared Governance Model

Title: Shared Governance Model
Owner: Provost
Last Update/Revision: 08/31/2023

Policy: Aspen University is committed to shared governance and believes it to be a fundamental ingredient of a healthy academic institution and an essential right and responsibility of a scholarly community.


Purpose: Aspen University Governance model is committed to supporting:

  • the existence of clear and varied channels of communication that are understood by all constituents,
  • the faculty's fundamental role in making academic decisions,
  • the implementation and preservation of academic standards,
  • the promotion of student welfare.


Scope: Aspen University is a complex entity, and the tasks of governance must be apportioned and delegated within the structures approved by the Board of Trustees. The interdependence and cooperation of administration, Faculty, and the Board of Trustees are essential to legitimate and effective governance.


Members and Responsibilities: Governance and the creation of policies that guide institutional health are responsibilities that cut across the entire University, including the Board of Trustees, University's administrators, and the Faculty as a whole.


Committees Included in Governance:

Presidents Council

University Council

Faculty Senate

University Assessment Committee

School Advisory Boards