Doctoral Residency Guide

Background of the Study

The background of the study in Chapter 1 of the dissertation provides a comprehensive context for the research problem by outlining the historical, theoretical, and practical underpinnings relevant to the study. This section begins by detailing the broader context of the research, including key developments, trends, and issues that have shaped the field. It then identifies the specific problem or gap in the literature that the current study aims to address, highlighting the significance of this gap and its implications for the field. By reviewing relevant theories and previous research, the background section establishes a theoretical framework that supports the research questions and objectives. Additionally, it often discusses the practical relevance of the study, demonstrating how the research will contribute to solving real-world problems or advancing knowledge in a meaningful way. This foundational overview not only situates the study within the existing body of knowledge but also justifies the need for the research, providing a clear rationale for why the study is essential and how it will add value to the field. Overall, the background of the study sets the stage for the research by providing critical context and establishing the significance of the investigation.