Doctoral Residency Guide

Research Questions

The research questions in Chapter 1 of the dissertation are pivotal in guiding the investigation and shaping the direction of the study. These questions are designed to address the problem identified in the problem statement and align with the purpose of the research. They should be clear, focused, and researchable, outlining the exact aspects of the problem the study aims to explore or resolve.
Research questions typically stem from gaps or issues highlighted in the literature review and serve as a framework for the data collection and analysis processes.
They guide the investigation by specifying what the researcher intends to discover or understand, helping shape the study's methodology and approach. Each research question should be directly related to the study’s objectives, ensuring that the answers obtained will contribute meaningful insights to the field.
Additionally, well-formulated research questions provide a basis for developing hypotheses (in quantitative studies) or guiding thematic analysis (in qualitative studies), ultimately ensuring that the research remains focused and systematically addresses the core issue. Overall, research questions are essential for structuring the research design and ensuring that the study effectively solves the identified problem or fills the research gap.