Doctoral Residency Guide

Purpose Statement

The purpose statement in Chapter 1 of a dissertation clearly articulates the specific aims and objectives of the research. It defines the central intent of the study by outlining what the researcher seeks to achieve through their investigation. This statement provides a focused direction for the research by specifying the goals, such as exploring, describing, or explaining a particular phenomenon and identifying the critical aspects of the issue that will be addressed. The purpose statement should align with the problem statement, detailing how the research will contribute to filling the identified gap or solving the problem. It typically includes the scope of the study, the specific aspects of the problem that will be examined, and the anticipated outcomes or contributions of the research. By setting clear, achievable objectives, the purpose statement guides the research design, methodology, and overall approach, ensuring that the study remains focused and relevant throughout its course. Overall, the purpose statement serves as a roadmap for the research, articulating the study’s intentions and framing the research questions and hypotheses within a clear and actionable context.