Policy and Procedure Manual

307-7 Withdrawals

Title: Withdrawal
Owner: Registrar
Last Update/Revised: 07/31/2024

Policy: An official withdrawal occurs when a student notifies the University that they no longer wish to attend courses and want to withdraw from the University. Students may request to withdraw from the University by submitting the Program Withdrawal form through their Student Portal. Students who do not officially withdraw from the University may be administratively withdrawn. A student may be administratively withdrawn as a consequence of violating Aspen University’s Continuous Enrollment policy. Students who are administratively withdrawn from the university must go through the readmission process in order to resume their studies. If the student is readmitted, they will be subject to the program requirements, tuition, and fees in effect at the time of readmission. More details can be found in the Administrative Withdrawal and Dismissal Policy in the Academic Catalog.

Purpose: The purpose of the withdrawal policy is to identify the difference between an official and administrative (unofficial) withdrawal.